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Articles, News & Insights

Senior Assistance During COVID and Beyond Thumbnail

Senior Assistance During COVID and Beyond

COVID has presented us with some additional responsibilities. With self-isolation and social distancing still a part of our daily lives, one of the most important activities many of us are managing is the care of our elders. Some are confined to their home and have limited access to the freedoms we typically take for granted. Our elders are facing many challenges including accessing financial assistance, on-going medical care and how to stay active and healthy in an environment that restricts movement. We have found some resources we think may help our community assist our more vulnerable.

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Mental Health Assistance During COVID and Beyond Thumbnail

Mental Health Assistance During COVID and Beyond

During COVID-19 and after the pandemic crisis subsides, our friends and family will be faced with the aftereffects in many areas of their lives. If someone you know requires guidance, access to learn a new skill or need financial assistance, there are many organizations that can help. Here are a few we have found that might be of help to someone you know and care about.

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